HIO Winner




Please follow the steps below to collect all required documents and information to ensure a smooth claims process:



Step 1: Notify Us ASAP using the form at the bottom of this page, or Call 877-GTS-0555





Step 2: Download and Print Forms to be Filled Out

To enable us to process your HIO claim as soon as possible, please click the link below to download all forms. Once you have the forms printed out, follow the instructions below to determine which forms you need completed depending on the value of the prize.




It is best to do this immediately after all golfers have returned from play on the day of the event





Step 3: Have Winner and Witnesses Fill Out Forms, Collect Additional Items Required

For prizes $10,000 and under:
  1. Have the golfer that made the HIO fill out the "Hole in one winner" form (page #2 of 6)
  2. Have 2 golfers that were playing with the HIO winner fill out "playing partner #1" and "playing partner #2" affidavits (page #3 of 6)
  3. A copy of the scorecard showing hole-in-one and make sure it is signed, dated, and attested
  4. A copy of the official "tee sheet" from the tournament director. This will show all players in the tournament and the groups they were assigned to.
  5. A signed letter from the golf course's golf professional acknowledging his/her knowledge of the HIO taking place (not that they served as witness, just that they are aware of the HIO taking place)
  6. A copy of winner's driver's license

For prizes $10,001-$50,000:
  1. Have the golfer that made the HIO fill out the "Hole in one winner" form (page #2 of 6)
  2. Have 2 golfers that were playing with the HIO winner fill out "playing partner #1" and "playing partner #2" affidavits (page #3 of 6)
  3. Have the 1 official non-participating witness fill out "non-participating witness #1" form (page # 4 of 6)
  4. A copy of the scorecard showing hole-in-one and make sure it is signed, dated, and attested
  5. A copy of the official "tee sheet" from the tournament director. This will show all players in the tournament and the groups they were assigned to.
  6. A signed letter from the golf course's golf professional acknowledging his/her knowledge of the HIO taking place (not that they served as witness, just that they are aware of the HIO taking place)
  7. A copy of winner's driver's license

For prizes $50,001 and over:
  1. Have the golfer that made the HIO fill out the "Hole in one winner" form (page #2 of 6)
  2. Have 2 golfers that were playing with the HIO winner fill out "playing partner #1" and "playing partner #2" affidavits
  3. Have the 1st official non-participating witness fill out "non-participating witness #1" form  (page # 4 of 6)
  4. Have the 2nd official non-participating witness fill out "non-participating witness #2" form (page # 5 of 6)
  5. A copy of the scorecard showing hole-in-one and make sure it is signed, dated, and attested
  6. A copy of the official "tee sheet" from the tournament director. This will show all players in the tournament and the groups they were assigned to.
  7. A signed letter from the golf course's golf professional acknowledging his/her knowledge of the HIO taking place (not that they served as witness, just that they are aware of the HIO taking place)
  8. A copy of winner's driver's license