GTS Signature Item since 2001 · Provided On-Consignment at $10 per card sold = You Only Pay for What You Sell to Maximize Profit · Pre-paid UPS Return Label Provided for Easy Return
The SuperTicket Package has raised helped raise an average of $6,000-$8,000 at thousands of charity golf tournaments all over the US since 2001 by providing REAL VALUE. If you give your golfers the chance to win big prizes it increases participation and overall donation amounts - if you offer your golfers more than the standard "mulligan package" they will donate more!
The items we include that bring real value to the table are 2 chances to win BIG MONEY at your event: a $1,000 putt AND for 5 of your golfers to take a shot for $100,000 CASH!
Believe it or not more than one of the golfers can win the $100k prize. You could have multiple $100,000 winners at your event!
We will work closely with you on the specific details/preferences of your tournament (if you have contests, raffle tickets, drink ticket, mulligans, etc.) to come up with a Fully-Customized-for-Your-Event Fundraising Package that is sure to impress your golfers, while at the same time streamlining your fundraising efforts into one core item packaged and ready to to sell to your golfers during registration.
They will come ready to support your cause and you'll have a true win-win to sell them!
The happier your golfers are, the more likely they are to donate AND bring their friends next year. No one likes being nickel and dimed on what should be a relaxing day on the course - sell them once in the morning on your SuperTicket, and let them enjoy the rest of the day without being asking for money every other hole. This is key to a successful, long lasting event.
We provide you with everything needed for a turn-key professional fundraising experience, excitement & fun for your golfers, and most importantly maximizing your bottom line by providing REAL VALUE to your golfers.
How Much in Donations can you bring in?
How much money your SuperTicket package makes is up to you!: How much will you charge for your SuperTicket package? The standard price we recommend is $40-$50, but some events can go up to $100 or more if the value is there - it is very Important to price your SuperTicket thoughtfully and reflective of what you are offering your golfers.
We provide value with chances to win big money, and the more value you offer in to your SuperTicket package the higher price you can ask for. Mulligans, Raffle Tickets, Drink Tickets, Entry to Contests, etc. all of these things will add value to your SuperTicket.
The whole philosophy behind the SuperTicket is to ask your golfers for one donation and leave them alone to enjoy golfing the rest of the day and, most importantly, to give them back value for their contribution to your cause. When you deliver value, you have happy golfers that come back to your tournament - it's as simple as that. They will share with their friends the compelling reasons to attend your event, and your golfers will grow year over year and a successful, long-lasting event is established.
The 4 default items we include with every SuperTicket Package to deliver real value and excitement to your golfers for their donation:
1) A $1,000 Putt for Cash
The Lowest Score Winner on 18-Hole Scratcher Card Will take a 50' putt for $1,000 CASH while everyone watches
2) A Half-Million Dollar Shootout for FIVE Lucky Cards Drawn at Random
5 SuperTicket Scratcher Cards drawn at random will each take a shot for $100,000 = Half-Million Dollars total!
Shootout Alternate - Vacation Prize Option: Give out a 3 day Vacation Certificate for your low score scratcher winner INSTEAD of the $100k Shootout for 5
3)$10 Worldwide Golf Gift Cards
4) $15 Epoch Eyewear Gift Cards
Beyond the included items above, it is recommend that you/your committee add even more value by including items like Mulligans (highly recommended), Raffle Tickets, Drink Tickets, Entry into Contests, etc. to build up the value of your SuperTicket offering. If you are doing it right, your golfers won't think twice about buying a SuperTicket - "I support your charity/cause and you're going to give me all this?! Sounds great! Sign me up!" Win/Win!
Cost to order package is $500 which covers your minimum of 50 SuperTickets (@ $10 per card sold), and you only pay for the cards you sell - each SuperTicket you sell beyond the minimum of 50 will be $10 each. Once we receive your SuperTicket package return (UPS Label provided), we will determine how many SuperTickets were sold and invoice you. So you only have a $500 deposit and then sell as many as you can and only pay for the cards that you sell beyond 50.
We designed it this way to ensure you're covered for however many golfers participate while at the same time maximizing your bottom line from the tournament.
We pay for the SuperTicket Package return shipping and provide a UPS Return Label in with your SuperTicket Instructions packet to make things easy for post-tournament wrap up.
**Vacation Option is Back**
Present your 18-hole scratcher winner with a 3 day & 2 night trip AFTER they take their putt for $1,000 cash this year. Serves as a nice consolation prize if $1,000 putt is not made, and also helps to streamline your day-of tournament agenda as the vacation is provided in place of the $100k shootout for 5.
After strong demand we have brought back vacation certificates to help simplify our SuperTicket Package for tournament organizers that would rather pass on the $100k shootout for 5 and hand out the vacation certificate instead. Just sell your SuperTickets to golfers during registration, then have the low score winner (or lowest score turned in so far) take the $1,000 putt, and then present the vacation certificate envelope to your scratcher winner during your awards ceremony and you will have completed all SuperTicket related activities for the day, donations in hand and golfers ready to golf.
This is a great option for tournaments that have limited time, need to streamline/simplify things, have limited volunteers to assist, or would just rather hand out a vacation to their scratcher winner vs. the excitement of the $100,000 shootout and $1,000 putt -- the choice is yours - chose what works best for your event.
Vacation certificate provided in place of the $100,000 shootout.
Pricing remains the same great value as always at $10 per card sold - unsold cards are returned using provided UPS return label.
Standard 3 Day & 2 Night Destination Options*: Las Vegas, Reno, Lake Tahoe, Mesquite, or Laughlin, NV.
Upgrade to 7 day & 6 Night Caribbean Destinations* (+$1/card sold): Including Jamaica, Punta Cana
Upgrade to 8 day & 7 Night Mexican Destinations* (+$1.50/card sold): Including Puerto Vallarta and Cancun
*3 star or better accommodations, transportation not included